Delivery Service Against Loneliness

One apartment during the pandemic and a visitor to order. On Friday, the students of the international Authorial Acting Program at Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy at DAMU staged a production of their own text The Visitor. The authors of the dystopian drama are Natali Spasova and Viktor Buzharov, who also performs in the show. The production is based mainly on the gradual unveiling of the story and the fictional world, which is not so far from our reality.

How a Sad Clown Made Us Laugh

What is consciousness? What is the unconscious? What is mind? These and many other questions are asked by the performer Arman Kupelyan together with the creative team of the production Playground of the Unconscious Self, which concluded the third day of the festival and brought the audience closer to the topic of the unconscious. Kupelyan created an original character with which he demonstrates fragments of his own inner world. At the same time, he creates a dialogue between the personified unconscious and the person in whom it is trapped, or with the audience itself.

Na predaj!

Tanečná inscenácia inšpirovaná rozhovormi s ženami, ktoré sa venujú najstaršiemu remeslu na svete. Ženská prostitúcia očami prostitútok, ich osobné zážitky, pocity a myšlienky. Keď sa rýchle peniaze stanú závislosťou a… Pokračovat ve čtení Na predaj!

To Be a Better Dad or Polish Reflection on Paternity

The first evening performance presented at DISK as part of the Zlomvaz festival was the Polish student production Ojcowie (Fathers), in which the students of the Kraków Akademia Sztuk Teatralnych im. Stanisława Wyspiańskiego discuss the concept of fatherhood and the problems and issues associated with it. From the perspective of young and childless men, they look at what it is like to be a father and what their personal ambitions for fatherhood are.


The performance is about fatherhood seen from the perspective of young men – still childless, but at an age when the fatherhood is expected. This status of „non-existent but possible… Pokračovat ve čtení Ojcowie